Quantum Leap Productions is an Emmy® Award winning full-service film and video production company that offers both start to finish custom projects and services à la carte. What does that mean for you? We are completely scalable to meet YOUR specific needs. We integrate with your internal marketing team, goal setters, and idea makers to build effective solutions for your marketing and communication goals. Whatever information you need to convey, it's our passion to develop and produce content that engages, entertains, and impacts every viewer.

Know Your Audience

WHERE & HOW DOES YOUR AUDIENCE CONNECT WITH YOU? Quite frankly, the answer isn’t simple. It isn’t even one place or even a single audience anymore, it’s social platforms, websites, YouTube, streaming services, broadcast television or even digital billboards. Our goal is to produce versatile, high quality content, giving YOU the power to connect with the largest possible audience.

QLP does this by understanding your brand and how to develop an emotional connection with your audience.  

Hit a Homerun

It's easy! Independent Producers, Filmmakers, and Agencies use QLP's production team and post production services for editing, motion graphics, finish work, and mastering...start to finish, or ala carte.

Technology Addicts

The first step is to admit we have a problem. We absolutely love our technology at QLP; we are passionate about providing our clients with the most up-to-date and efficient systems anywhere. We learn how you think, encourage you to try new things, and we innovate solutions TOGETHER, which results in a uniquely fresh result.


Whether you need to communicate internally to your people or externally to the world, we integrate seamlessly with your team to identify the most compelling way to convey your message.  Our writers have over twenty years of experience crafting custom scripts for companies, corporations, non-profits, and start ups. We've got this!